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 Our Trade is climate protection

The cycles that keep us alive!


REC the certificate for renewable energy

EAC systems (like REC) provide transparency in the market about who is consuming energy from which source or from which particular power plant. Without a mechanism like EACs, it would be impossible to link energy production to energy consumption.

The EAC system ensures that no multiple claims can be made for the same MWh of energy.

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Every forest is always valuable and precious

Our main activity, with the greatest positive effect, is responsible CO2 trading. This works well when the interests of the forest reserve and its expansion are in the foreground, because it represents a cycle. Indigenous peoples are often the owners, and they receive money and appreciation directly, with the intention of continuously improving the situation: that they are continuously concerned about the care and preservation of the forest. This is what we love to do. The process is easy, the challenge is great.

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"Value2Green" organizes and connects globally for your projects

We advise, initiate and trade your CO2 certificates for you. Value2Green accompanies projects and mediates. CO2 credits from climate protection projects are generated and used for your needs. We are here for you so that this can be initiated in the most positive and uncomplicated way possible.

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Reports on water conservation projects

Water is life. We report on clean drinking water across the world's oceans and, in connection with this topic, also on biodiversity and reforestation projects.

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Reports on animal welfare and species protection

Looking for good initiatives and projects that protect and improve life on our planet - for all living beings.

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Articles about people and nutrition

World hunger is a scandal. Here you can find out about projects that will ensure our nutrition for the future and about health promotion for people on earth.

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Green Tourism, a trip from the day of depart until the day of return

It is not enough if only the airline compensates for CO2. In order to really have a "green holiday", a holistic view of all connections is important. The question of how does the hotel dispose of its waste water? This is hardly asked by the travellers, but imagine a travel company that can offer exactly this real “green holiday trip” because it has just been clarified and selected what meets the criteria.

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Climate Protection in holistic manner

It is necessary to understand climate protection in various interrelated cycles. This leads to combined, targeted measures and not to isolated actions. This approach is also an important success factor in our projects. In the future, AI will be used to increasingly research these interrelated climate protection challenges and measures will also be used to simulate the situation in cybernetic models. This is actually important progress.

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"Green Lawyers" for the preservation of the planet!

We are planning to set up a network that will bring together lawyers with environmental expertise from around the world on one platform. This knowledge pool is then available for projects and tanks that require legal assistance for environmental issues and projects.The same might be relevant for specialist engineers (water and other subjects). There is definitely a need for a knowledge pool..Let us recommend you active experts from our database.

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Logistics challenge: The way you go is "green" now!

The logistics chain can actually become absolutely  "green" . How to start this transformation? It's with a focus on process planning, chain structures, multi modality and best practice implementation.

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Production "within the green focus"

Looking for exemplary initiatives and projects that are characterized by a switch to sustainable production. These concrete ideas can be copied, disseminated and adapted so that proven solutions scale immediately. As a result, further progress is made and our environment benefits from the faster improvement.

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"Green Power" not a dream - it's a need!

Electricity is getting more expensive. But the real reason for the reduction and optimization of energy consumption is - also from an economic point of view - much more complex and the inventions ahead are surprising us more and more. All this is extremely clever.

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What we do:

We can no longer wait and just talk about it, we have to do much more so that the coming generation will find a life worth living and a good home.

Environment Health and Life is the label for a single thought: balancing our actions with the healthy cycles of nature. We plan with foresight, for the longer term whenever possible and in the knowledge that everything is connected. We try to exclude and end everything that causes harm and suffering, be it through "economic" interests or through sheer stupidity, which is still active at the moment. To change our lives so far that it becomes worth living and the planet is preserved.

We currently have two fields of activity that all have to do with our environment and our inner world:

1.) To enable every human being to lead a dignified existence and to support one another. This includes promoting the projects that can end world hunger, step by step. To really rethink world health globally and to act where there is a need.

2.) Protect water. optimize and expand corresponding processes

3.) To understand animals as living beings that are important for our survival and to ensure animal welfare wherever possible and wherever we repair damage.

4.) Protect and expand forest areas


5.) The energy supply of the future will move into a healthy cycle: Renewable and environmentally friendly technologies are crucial.

We - Value2Green - are active as a communication and networking channel. We therefore attach great importance to journalistic reporting to make the projects known. Questions? Information?. Give us a call;


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Donations: Valiant Bank Switzerland
IBAN CH66 0630 0506 5082 2467 6


Phone: +41 78 691 97 20

Phone +66 63 823 58 89



Journalistische Redaktion

Ateliers am Rhein

Unterer Rheinweg 86

CH 4057 Basel Schweiz


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